Healthy Pastors.
Healthy Teams.
Healthy Congregations.
That’s the promise. Sound too good to be true? It’s not easy. It is worth it.
A healthy and thriving local church is the hope of the world. Whether in a church, or another Christian organisation when your team is at its best, everyone benefits. The Kingdom of God benefits. The people you are called to serve benefits. And you benefit.
How can we help?
Healthy Pastors
When the lead minister (or ministers) of the church are healthy, everything performs better. We coach pastors of all church sizes, denominations and cultures to walk in greater levels of joy and peace.
When joy lives in you, you see things clearer, make better decisions and enjoy the ministry journey.
Living in a state of joy does not mean living in denial. In means developing habits which cultivate enduring joy.
Whether joy is somewhere you currently live, or if it is a distant memory, we will help you to walk in the joy of the Lord, and have His joy sustain you.
Healthy Teams
The health of a church is proportionate to the quality of the relationships between the core team members. It was true in Jesus’ time, it is true in our time.
The healthiest teams have high levels of mutual understanding and trust between team members. They also have laser focus on who they want to serve, and how well those people are being served.
Growing a healthy team culture comes from overcoming common team dysfunctions, and practicing disciplines which grow trust and deliver results.
We will show you how.
Healthy Congregations
Dallas Willard made the insightful (and confronting!) observation that our congregrations are the way they are because of the way we run church, not in spite of it. He recognised the wisdom of an old management axiom: Every system is perfectly designed to yield the results it gets.
Once the pastor is healthy, and healthy team processes are in place, the congregation will experience new levels of health and growth - but not before.
You cannot perform your way to health, but you can heal your way to consistent peak performance.
What we know about you.
You already have a team of good people around you who are also committed. But for those good people to perform at their natural best you need effective, practical strategies relevant to the needs of your team. And you need them fast.
That’s what we deliver.
Founder & lead consultant.
Adam Boyes is passionate about churches and church teams. Adam has been involved in a range of ministry settings spanning two decades. If it's in church life, he has probably done it! Adam has an extraordinary ability to understand people and team dynamics and works with churches and Christian organisations to help them perform at their peak consistently.
Co-lab is a certified affiliate of Patrick Lencioni’s Consultants and Practitioners Alliance (CAPAPro).
That means that every service Co-lab delivers is in line with the cadence of the The Table Group.
Practical. Relevant. Fast.
Ready to take
the next step?
Contact us for more information or to book in a free Church Health workshop.
See how the Co-lab team can help you.